Welcome to Egypt's First Fintech Aggregator

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Fulfill all your financial needs through a single platform

Financing Made Easy

Endless possibilities, at your fingertips

MazAid enables businesses and customers to view, compare, select, and apply for the most convenient financing solutions that best suit their needs.

MazAid is a fully integrated end-to-end platform that collaborates with lending companies and financial institutions governed by the Financial Regulatory Authority (FRA).

Study Now, Pay Later

Your dream education, worry-free. Finance your children’s tuition fees, your very own courses or post-graduate studies.

Care Now, Pay Later

Premier healthcare made affordable. Finance all your medical procedures with flexible payment plans.

Buy Now, Pay Later

Boost your purchasing power.  Finance all other products and services from electronics and gadgets to weddings and home finishing.

Study Now, Pay Later​

Your dream education, worry-free. Finance your children’s tuition fees, your very own courses or post-graduate studies.

فرص تعليم أفضل

قسّط مصاريف دراسة أولادك في المدارس، المعاهد والجامعات، أو مصاريف الكورسات والدراسات العليا بكل سهولة.

Care Now, Pay Later​

Premier healthcare made affordable. Finance all your medical procedures with flexible payment plans.

رعاية صحية مميزة

اختار أفضل مقدمي الخدمات وقسّط كل الاجراءات الطبية ليك ولأسرتك بخطط دفع سهلة و مريحة

Buy Now, Pay Later​

Boost your purchasing power. Finance all other products and services from electronics and gadgets to weddings and home finishing.

حياة أكثر رفاهية

قسط كل السلع والخدمات اللي نفسك فيها، من أول الأجهزة الإلكترونية لحد الأفراح وفرش البيت وكمان السفر

Customer Benefit

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Discover the largest offering of non-banking financial products


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Get matched with lenders most likely to approve your application

Get funded

Fast-tracked approvals and equally fast disbursements

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Students Base


Partners in Healthcare


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